Saturday, May 23, 2020

Divorce Mediation - a Viable New Route

Components of Divorce Mediation
Based in Sandy, Utah, divorce mediator David Musselman leads Common Ground Divorce Mediation and provides counsel to couples seeking resolution. David Musselman and his team of mediators are on hand to advise clients on the substantial, unforeseen costs associated with divorce.

With new criminal and civil jury trials delayed in many states, there will be a backlog even when business gets back to normal. Setting in place remote work solutions takes time, effort, and expense on top of the existing costs of the court system. Those expenses will be passed on to couples in the final bill, adding to a total litigated divorce process that already exceeds an average of $50,000.

Beyond money, mental stress results from drawn out litigation. Achieving a timely, successful resolution is essential in maintaining positive relations.

The divorce mediation option does away with costly courts and attorneys. Collaborative in nature, the emphasis is on finding the healthiest possible outcome that will not lead to acrimony and further litigation down the road.

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